Friday, October 12, 2012


Hope the Hip Hippo

Hope the Hip Hippo

a story about Hip Dysplasia in Children by Gina Jay & Julie Beattie

To all the children who have embarked on a journey with hip dysplasia, we hope that you will be able to spread your wings far and wide, and soar farther than you ever imagined.

Aside from what is needed for marketing, promos and such, the rest of the proceeds from the sale of each book will go directly to the 
to support further research and awareness !!!  Purchasing Hope directly 
supports those with hip dysplasia !!! 
~ Thank you !!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


GUEST BLOGGER:  Denise Sutherland


I've had problems with my hips from birth. My dysplasia was picked up when I was 20 months old, and not walking properly. As I was my parent's first child, they didn't realise that what I was doing (or not doing) wasn't normal. It was my grandparents who raised the alarm.
Photo of me and my mum, in Canberra Australia 1969
The brown thing on my knee is a leather pad my dad made to protect the cast, 
when I went pulling myself about the place.

I had a lot of surgery, both in my native Australia and the USA, most of which failed. A tendonectomy, a failed closed reduction, two failed open reductions, and months in frog-leg plaster and braces. When we moved to the USA in 1969 (for a few years), I was seen my Dr Wayne Southwick at Yale-New Haven Hospital. He did an experimental technique on me, which involved serious traction (metal bar through my knee) rotating my left leg inwards with an open reduction, setting it, then a few months later breaking the femur and rotating the lower section of my leg outwards. Gruesome as it was, this did work! I was five. 

Dr Southwick said he thought the repair would last for about 40 years. I had about 20 years of reasonably normal hip functioning (although I've never been good at sports). I had a lot of hip pain during my two pregnancies, and had to have Caesarians, as my pelvis is very distorted, and no babies can get out that way. 

As was expected, in my 30s I started to develop osteoarthritis in the joint, and I spent a lot of my early 40s on a walking stick and then crutches. My poor old left hip was finally replaced when I was 45 (yes, exactly 40 years!). I had to have an especially small prosthesis, as my leg bones are abnormally small (common with dysplasia patients), and I have permanent hip restrictions. My new surgeon, Dr Damian Smith in Canberra, did a fantastic job with my very difficult anatomy. I chose him because he is a childhood dysplasia expert, and he really understood my weird mangled anatomy. Unfortunately my right hip has also developed dysplasia over more recent years, so now it is dysplastic as well, and showing early signs of osteoarthritis.
 My L THR, x-ray taken 2012
I get frustrated with people who think that once I had my THR, that was all my hip problems 'fixed' for good. No — this is just the start of my adult hip surgeries.  THR doesn't last forever, and it's likely that it will need to be revised (replaced) at some point, which is a less successful surgery, in general. My right hip isn't normal either, so that's another THR too. 

The most positive thing I've done as a result of my lifetime of hip problems is to write a book, - Guide for Adults with Hip Dysplasia. There were no books for adults with this condition - whether those who had been diagnosed and treated in childhood and now had more problems as adults, or for adults who had developed the condition in later life. 

I have been a member of the excellent Yahoo group,, for many years (I'm now one of the moderators). It is a supportive group (with over 1,400 members) of women with hip dysplasia from all over the world. I thought it would be a great idea to pool our combined experiences and knowledge, and write a book for us. Soon after I started planning the book, I teamed up with Dr Sophie West from the UK. Not only is she a young orthopaedic surgeon, but she has bilateral dysplasia and has had two PAOs, so she really understands this condition from both sides of the operating table! 

The book took us two years to write. We've covered every single thing we could think of about hip dysplasia (which turned out to be quite a lot!). It is 456 pages long, illustrated, and written in easy to understand clear English, with a minimal amount of jargon. It includes over 400 quotations from other adult hip dysplasia patients, about their experiences and thoughts. It is so wonderful when we hear from readers how much the book is helping them, it's the best reward for us.

I was also thrilled when I discovered that the International Hip Dysplasia Institute had been started. There has long been a need for this sort of a professional group, that is closely looking at how to encourage early diagnosis and prevention of hip dysplasia, provide authoritative information for parents and adult patients, and undertake research into this debilitating condition. Dr Charles Price from the IHDI has been very helpful to Sophie and me; he reviewed sections of the book for us, and has been very kind in recommending it widely. It is great to have them by our side!

Denise Sutherland
Visit Denise at:  Sutherland Studios

Please look for Denise & Dr. Sophie's book,  Guide for Adults with Hip Dysplasia 
on our RESOURCES page !

Together we can....together we will !!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012



by:  Theresa Boylan

My name is Theresa and my husband is David. We are blessed with two phenomenal children Jack 7 and Ava 4. Overall both our children were healthy happy babies and have grown into healthy children. Ava was 8lbs 4oz at birth but as she grew was always a very petite baby, then toddler. By 18 months she was no longer on the growth chart and her growth had slowed tremendously. At first it was not a concern because the chart was moving (slowly) but around 2 years old she did not grow for almost a year. Around the same time she was becoming very verbal and began complaining of knee pain, leg pain, back pain and that her belly hurt. Some days Ava would be crying from the moment she got up, some days it would start later in the day. Whenever out she always wanted to be carried or in her stroller and cried her knees hurt too much to walk. By now she was on a weight watch every 3 months and I raised my concerns often. Unfortunately there were no visible signs of anything wrong and developmentally she was 100 percent on. Ava’s walk was off but after bringing it to our Pediatrician’s attention we were told she was fine and would outgrow it. Finally in January (2012) I requested that Ava be sent to a specialist to try and find a reason for her lack of growth, if nothing else put our mind at ease.
In February Ava had an appointment to see a Gastroenterologist and Endocrinologist to finally start looking for answers. She was sent for what blood work and a full body x ray to measure her bone age and to have a baseline of her bone structure in case it was needed in the future. I will never forget the call I received from the Endocrinologist at the end February, Ava’s bone age was at 2.6 years (she is 4.4yrs) and she had bi lateral hip dysplasia. We needed to make an appointment with a pediatric Orthopedist immediately. What!! How could that be possible! I was in shock. On March 12 Ava had her first orthopedic appointment. Of course I had done my internet research and read whatever I could about hip dysplasia. I was surprised on how little information was available and what I did find was not sounding good. Needless to say I was a nervous wreck. I knew in my heart that I was about to hear something I did not want for my daughter.
Upon meeting Dr. A we all liked him immediately, most importantly Ava did. We started with another x ray to see exactly what was happening with Ava’s hips. Dr. A reviewed the x ray and delivered the news I did not want to hear… Ava had bilateral hip dislocation that she was most likely born with. Tears sprang to my eyes immediately knowing what this meant… The only way to fix this was surgery. He proceeded to explain what would need to be done. Ava will have an open reduction surgery which included a Capsulorrhaphy, Abduction lengthening, a Pelvic Osteotomy and end with a Spica cast. In layman’s terms he needed to put the ball back in the socket and everything around it needed to be reconstructed to make that happen. Not once but twice and an approximate total of 12 weeks in the Spica cast. By the end of this appointment I did not hear a word Dr. A said. I was beside myself and walked out dazed. I sobbed the whole way home and for days after I could not talk about it without crying. How do I put my baby through this!! How was this missed for 4 years!!!
On June 12 Ava had her left hip surgery. It took 4 hours and 50 minutes…The longest of my life so I thought. I’ll never forget the feeling inside me seeing her in the cast. My heart broke for my little girl. All I could think was how will we do this!! Ava did amazing and came through with flying colors. We spent four days in the hospital and 5 weeks in her pink cast. On July 18 Ava had her right hip surgery which lasted 5 hours and 15 minutes. She spent only 3 days in the hospital and will be in her purple cast for 4 weeks. When they remove the Spica cast she will then have a Petrie Cast for another 3-4 weeks.
Having a child in a Spica cast is an emotional roller coaster. It has many difficult moments but you learn to take it day by day. My heart aches for Ava every day knowing the pain she has and will endure but children are resilient! They actually handle things better then you. You learn to stay positive for them even when you’re crying inside. It is so important to raise awareness on Hip Dysplasia. As a parent until the day I received that call I knew very little about it. Doctors need to explain what it is and the research needs to be furthered so treatment can get better. It turns out Ava had the “waddle” of dysplasia and other signs that were over looked. If I had the knowledge maybe she would have been diagnosed sooner. I am so grateful to the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. I have received so much information through their sight and links attached to it. No parent wants to put their child through this and it’s great to have the support you may need to get through it.
If you have a child that was diagnosed with hip dysplasia remember you’re not alone. There are so many people out there willing to help. Remember each case is different and you need to think as positive as you can, otherwise you will drive yourself nuts! My baby is on her way to recovery and I hope so is yours! Spread the word and stay strong!! XOXOX

Read Ava’s whole story at

Together we can....together we will !

Thursday, July 26, 2012


GUEST BLOGGER:  Team Addison
by:  Kristy O'Connell

Our journey with hip dysplasia started in 2010 one day after our daughter Addison was born. She was born with bi-lateral hip dislocation. She was put into a Pavlik Harness at 5 days old and wore it for 3 weeks. It corrected her left hip but the right was still a problem. She was put into a Hewson brace for 12 weeks and when that still didn’t work they scheduled a closed reduction.

We were devastated! As if having you first born baby in a brace wasn’t bad enough, we were now faced with having our sweet baby girl in a full body cast for 3 months!! What would we do?? How would we diaper, bath, feed, even go to the grocery store!! The day of her open reduction I was a mess! Addison was such a trooper though! She played in the pre-op room and was so happy (even without anything to eat.) All went well and we arrived home to start our journey.  As the days and weeks went by things got easier and pretty soon we were pro’s! I swear I am MUCH better at diapering a casted baby than an uncasted one! When cast removal day came, we were ecstatic!! How great it was to have our smooshy baby back!! Addie had to wear the hewson brace full time for a few more months and then back to nights only. We were optimistic with each Dr’s appointment and really hoped our journey was coming to a close. Unfortunately, her hips were not progressing and a Salter Osteotomy was scheduled when Addie was 15 months old. We were so scared! I couldn’t even think about them cutting my daughter’s hip bones and pinning them without getting sick to my stomach.  This surgery was so much worse than anything we had been through! Addie spent 7 days in the hospital and was in such extreme pain! It broke my heart to see her so miserable. At to top it all off…..she contracted staph while in the hospital!! She lost 4 pounds and was very sick! After about 14 days she finally started to get back to “normal” and the task of entertaining a toddler in a cast began! Luckily we only had this cast for 5 weeks.  Addie is now 1 year post op and doing amazing! She started walking at 21 months and now you would never know that she ever dealt with this! She is such an amazing little girl.  I am inspired by her spirit everyday!

Through all of this we have been amazed at the lack of information and consistent care in the medical community. Addie actually has CDH (congenital dysplasia of the hip) and her grandma had the exact same surgery in 1960. I’ll say it again, the same surgery 52 years later!!!!! How crazy is that?? There are so many children and adults that have this condition and the standards of care have not changed in over 60 years!!! With all the medical genius in this world, there has got to be a better way to help! I am committed to help One Hip World and the IHDI because I cannot bear to think of all the families that have to face this devastating journey!

What I have learned from this is that my baby girl is the strongest, most talented and amazing child! She suffered through all of this with humor, strength and tenacity! She got us through!
 I am the proudest Mama EVER!

Of course I have to mention the support I received from friends, family, and the Baby Center community chat groups….without you we would never have pulled through this ordeal!  God is great and has blessed us in more ways than we can count! We have a beautiful healthy amazing little girl and He pulled us up from the ditches over and over again!

Thank you for listening to our story!
We hope that all your little ones have continued success
and happiness through their DDH journeys!

Together we can…..Together we WILL!!!

For more on our journey visit:

together we can....together we will !!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

New Participant logo/banner

Feel free to download to post and share 
on your blog, Facebook page, 
or wherever you are !!  
Using the image to create a 
link back to us would be 
VERY much appreciated !!!!

Together we can....together we will !!!! 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Drum roll please...... ;)

First year goal of $10,000 met 
and exceeded !!!!!!!!!
And more coming in !!!!
God bless you all, and thank you so very, 
VERY much for being a part of 
One Hip World as we support the:

Together we can....together we will !!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

More than just a day....

While you already know that One Hip World Day 
is and will always be celebrated on 
June 30th of every year, 
we are happy to say that we are 
expanding our mission and purpose
 to 'year round' !!!!!!!  
We will no longer call One Hip World 
a "one day event"....we will now call it 
"fundraising supporting the IHDI" !!! ;)

This is such exciting news !!!! 
Your reception and participation 
have been astounding, 
and we are so grateful !!!  With that in mind, we have decided that since the 'need' is year shall our efforts be !! ;)
Anytime you are ready and able to plan a 
fundraising event, go right ahead !!!!
Know that we will be here to help you as much as we can, and will cheer you on !!!
Please visit our facebook page to let us
 know of your plans....and to keep us updated !!! ;)
(see facebook logo on left for link!!)
And, please remember, that all funds raised 
get sent directly to the IHDI !!!
We could not do this without you, 
and believe me, we are not dumb enough to try !!!! ;)

YOU are making the difference !!!!! ;)

Together we can.....together we will !!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Way to go everyone !!!!!!
Thank you so much 
for being part of 
One Hip World !!!

more to come.....

Together we can.....together we will !!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

FUNDRAISER ALERT !! - Short reads...

from Author, Betsy Miller !

via Betsy Miller:  
Through June 30, for 99 cents each, 
you can get my short stories at the 
Untreed Reads store, 
and 25 cents from every sale will go to the
 International Hip Dysplasia Institute 

The stories are: 
Half and Half (mystery and suspense), 
Equilibrium (literary romance), and 
Negative Space (literary). 

click here:
Untreedreads: Betsy Miller

Together we can......together we will !!

FUNDRAISER ALERT !! - Online Donations


For more information, please visit:

And, please their facebook page at:

Together we can....together we will !!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

WOW !!!

You guys are amazing 
and we hope 
that you are all so 
very proud of all that 
you have accomplished so far !!!!

Together we can......together we will !!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Fundraiser Alert - Online Auction

For details, please visit:

And, please visit their blog at:

together we can....together we will !


Friday, June 1, 2012



  WHERE:  Gloria Dei Church 
355 Camp Street, Bristol CT 
WHEN: June 9th 
TIME:  9am-3pm

Come to the Strawberry Festival/ Craft fair & tag sale and look for the booth for the
One Hip World fundraiser -- see Karyn !!

While Karyn's booth will totally benefit the IHDI as part of One Hip World, she is part of a festival which will benefit  2 other charities for children as well !!!
Way to go Karyn, spread the love !! <3

Together we can....together we will ! 


by:  Trent Heiner

After years of trying for another child with multiple miscarriages, Aleena was our third child to join our growing family of four.  We were so excited the day we brought her home from the hospital to awaiting older brother and sister.  Each day that passed, our love for our perfect healthy daughter deepened.  By twelve months old she had become the center of everything in our home.  As she grew older into her toddler years, like all parents we celebrated her first smile, first laugh, and first step.  As her new skills developed, her mother began to notice peculiar habits begin to form in the daily routines of our daughter.  Never learning to really crawl, she moved about the house by standing on her feet and walking with the help of her hands placed on the floor, forming the shape of an A with the bend in the torso of her tiny frame.  At fifteen months, she still struggled to walk like other children. Her walk was accentuated by a gaited motion of her hips similar to the waddle of a duck.  Repeated attempts to learn to run always ended with a loss of her balance, followed by a crash to the floor.  Multiple visits to doctors, where we as concerned parents were always reassured the symptoms would fade as our daughter aged.  Finally, at two years of age with the same symptoms of gaited walking, unable to run without falling, and unwillingness to climb stairs, my wife insisted we see a specialist.  In the office of a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, we received the devastating news of a child with misformed hips.  Struggling to accept and cope with this new revelation, I now faced the daunting task of discovering everything I could for the treatment for my daughter in hopes of curing her of hip dysplasia.  A ten minute interview with this surgeon had changed the course of our lives as we now struggled to accept and understand why our future was to be consumed by surgeries and body casts for our two year old daughter.  Often reassured by families and friends, we found little comfort in their words of council of a treatable defect.  The truth buried deep in our hearts, concealed the pain of facing an uncertain future for our tiny innocent toddler.
Shortly before being diagnosed with misformed hips, we received the news of another child to join our family in the following months.  Our daughter's second surgery was a blurr.  In the weeks before her surgery, our third daughter was born by c-section.  My wife, determined to be by our daughter's side, found herself recovering from her c-section, caring for a new born child and comforting our toddler as she laid in her hospital bed.  At six weeks old, we had our new daughter, Alexa, checked for hip dysplasia by our daughter's surgeon. Confident of good news due to multiple checks by her pediatrician and nurses, we had an ultra sound performed at the request of our surgeon. With a saddened face, our daughter's surgeon broke the news of a second daughter born with abnormal hips.  Immediately our infant daughter was placed in a harness which she worn for ten weeks. This time, early detection has given as a bright future of perfect hips without the surgeries and casts.
Four surgeries, coupled with eight months spent in five different body casts, we now find ourselves veteran members of the growing hip dysplasia family.  Each day, our group acquires new families from all over the world, seeking answers to their concerns of what hope is there for their child.  These new parents battle with emotions and fear as they grapple the simple question, why?  Across the world, we reach out to each other for support, answers and comfort as we share our personal stories of our children's battle to overcome this defect.  Each of us find strength to proceed as we follow our children's lead. Our children demonstrate courage as they knowing await their next surgery, next xray, or cast.  They celebrate out loud when they learn to walk, yet again.  Over and over we set in doctor's offices waiting for the results of the next picture of their bones to provide a bases to determine our next steps.  Each time we hand over our motionless daughter, our hearts break as our eyes fill with tears as we spend the next hours pacing the halls of the hospital wards waiting for good news as another surgery is completed.  Yes, DDH is treatable; however we strive to educate parents and support organizations who seek to raise awareness of new and better methods to detect and prevent this defect.  Join us in building a better future for all our children.
To read more about Aleena and her journey, please visit:

OHW'S International Pledge Drive

Pledge Drive !!


We are kicking June off with an
International Pledge Drive !
For anyone who cannot do a fundraiser as part of One Hip World, you can still be a part and make a difference !!!!
today to make a donation !

All donations are tax deductible and 100% goes to advance the research and awareness of hip dysplasia GLOBALLY !
The IHDI is equipped to handle international donations, so wherever you are, you can help !
Every penny adds up to 'make the change' !!!

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!
Together we can......together we will !!  

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Friday, June 1, 2012
8 PM
Club EVO, Redlands, CA

for more information, please visit:

Together we can.....together we will !!!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Charity begins at home...and spreads !!

The character of those associated with the IHDI astounds us !!  They are so much more than just professionals using their gifts and skills to fight hip dysplasia....they are amazing people, using their hearts to fight it as well !
A meeting of esteemed doctors, experts and board members was held to discuss many 'hip' things, one of which was One Hip World.  They have not only taken notice of what all of you are doing, they have taken the time to express their gratitude AND they have come up with a plan to make the best use of your love, efforts and funds raised !!
We love that they always remember that you and your child/loved one who suffers from hip dysplasia is so much more than a 'task at hand'.  They know and use as a driving force that you are more than a statistic !!  Every piece of research, every "power-enabling" piece of knowledge affects a person! 
An adult...a teen...a child.

The following statement was released to us to share with you just a short time ago.....

"100% of donations from any region will be used for research, education, and developing best practices for treating and preventing hip dysplasia worldwide.  All affiliated research sites will benefit directly from these funds.  Therefore a significant portion of funds raised regionally will go directly back to the sites in those regions. The amount will be based upon need." - IHDI

This is AMAZING news !!!

A significant portion of what YOU raise in your region will come right back to the affiliate closet to you!  The rest will stay with the IHDI to be used GLOBALLY !!!!

It starts with you....spreads to your home...then to your community.... then to the whole world !!

Thank you to our friends at the IHDI for their tireless efforts to help us all....thank you to everyone for your love and support, for choosing to take a really bad situation and make it better!! 
For choosing to make a difference !!
Together we are building one hip world, by banding together to fight hip dysplasia in people of all ages !!!!

Together we can.....together we will !!!!! ;)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Welcome to the Official blog for One Hip World !!

We love our facebook page, however, we needed something a little more informative and somewhat more 'user-friendly'.... ;)  Here, we think we can share a bit more!

From time to time, we hope to have "guest bloggers" to share with us their story and their experience with their fundraising well as try to provide some general information to help out !
We absolutely encourage and hope that you will 'follow us', and we really want to hear from you !! 
Feel free to comment on blog posts !!

We at One Hip World are determined to do our part to make sure that the IHDI continues to make advances in research so as to help people of ALL AGES who suffer from hip dysplasia !  
The more they know, the better our odds for shutting hip dysplasia down completely !!!! 
And, the more WE know, the better our chances for avoiding surgeries, pain and the potential for life-long disability!
We hope you will join us !!!

Together we can band together to build....